

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, 星期五 8:00am - 12:00pm


靠谱买球app推荐 offers several ways for students to take classes and earn college credit without having to come to 现在哪些app可以买球. 无论是在我们的中心上课, 在他们的社区里, 或在线/混合, Hawkeye offers the flexibility needed to earn college credit.

The 布罗布斯特教学服务中心 staff support distance learning through faculty training, 课程设计和开发协助, and supporting the use of instructional technologies including the Canvas学习管理系统 (LMS)和现场互动教室.


Kendra Sibbernsen在脸谱网上的帖子, 奥马哈市麦德龙社区学院物理讲师, 他曾是靠谱买球app推荐的讲师.

This is for my professor and teacher friends who may be teaching online for the first time because of the school closures. 我一直在网上教天文学, 天文学实验室, 以及十多年来的代数物理课程. I also am a lead online faculty member for the physical sciences for my school and a Quality Matters master reviewer. Here are some off-handed suggestions for the current situation based on my experiences.

  1. 放自己一马. Most people take at least a semester to convert their classes to an online environment. 你可能只有几天的时间来调整. Take a deep breath and take it day-by-day or week-by-week or module-by-module.

  2. 放同事一马. Many of them did not want to teach online and are forced to now by circumstance. 创建一个社区,互相帮助,分享想法和建议.

  3. 放学生一马. They may not be used to online learning which requires them to bear more responsibility for their learning. 与他们过度沟通. 发布上课通知. 如果他们有这样的设置,把这些发送到电子邮件或短信中. 把日期写在日历上. These will usually show up in their “to do” lists on their college home page.

  4. 明确期望. Tell them how often they are expected to post to discussions. 给他们一些优秀的讨论帖的例子, 一个ok的讨论帖, 和一个糟糕的讨论帖子(比如, “我同意.或者“写得好。.”). 如果有人错过作业或一周不发邮件, 发邮件询问他们是否还好,或者是否需要帮助. You can use tools in the LMS (Learning management system like Canvas or Blackboard) to focus on those who do not log in for a few days. Don’t think of this as “hand-holding” but this is how you let online students know that they are missed and maybe they are having major life issues and don’t want to bother you or are too embarrassed.

  5. Set up a discussion set up for students to post questions if you are not immediately available and encourage them to help each other. 即使他们不再面对面, let them know that we are all in this together and we want everyone to be successful in their learning.

  6. Zoom may be a great option for doing meetings or recording lectures, 但是免费版可能很快就会超载, 所以你可以寻找其他方法. I have physics students use their cell phone cameras to take photos of their written work to be 提交ted rather than trying to type it into an equation editor and I sometimes have them video their problem solving methods (usually by talking over their work as shown on a sheet of paper and explaining) and upload that in a discussion to share with other students. These are usually short and the video files are small enough to not be too much of an issue. Ask students for suggestions on what apps or tools to use for communication and learning. TikTok的天文学教育? 为什么不? 你可能也会学到一些东西.

  7. Realize that you are not going to be able to effectively reproduce everything that you do in class in the same way online. There are ways to set up groups in the LMS try to do interactive lecture tutorials or think-pair-share, 但我认为这比它的价值更麻烦. My community college students have kids, have jobs, and lots of things going on in their lives. I cannot expect everyone in the class to log in at a certain day and time to participate in synchronous activities. 因此,我只使用异步活动.

  8. 如果你有一个小而专注的班级, you could set up a Zoom meeting or a chat in the LMS during the time you would normally meet.

  9. 如果你有ppt, you could do a presentation video in Presenter Mode and use screen capture just chose an area of the computer so you have access to your notes and access to the next slide without it recording that extraneous information and upload it to YouTube. This also makes it a smaller video and slightly smaller resolution.

  10. I would record only short lectures on important topics or points or put breaks in the Presentation so students can navigate it more easily. 我建议每个话题不要超过5-7分钟. For accessibility purposes if these classes were to meet Quality Matters standards, all of these videos would eventually need to be closed captioned or include a transcript for students who are hard-of-hearing. 也许你可以走在游戏的前面,写一个脚本, 关注它并将文本和视频一起上传.

  11. If you make videos, make sure the lighting is decent and the mic level is appropriate.

  12. I suppose people will be most nervous about testing in the online environment. We have some math classes that require proctoring for certain tests and I suspect that our institution will be more lax on that requirement during the if the campuses and testing centers are closed. Multiple choice and true-false questions can be graded automatically. 论文必须手工评分. 如果你做一些计算问题, there are tools to randomize the values if you code the equations so every student has a different answer. You can set a time limit for online tests to reduce the answering by Google, but then you will have to made accommodations for individuals who require additional testing time.




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正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分